Spokes Cycle Campaign
Publication Design
A board for every decade of cycling in Edinburgh, since 1977. Spokes, a Lothian-based cycle campaign, commissioned us to create eye-catching material for their 40th anniversary celebration. Spokes aims to promote and educate on the benefits of cycling socially, environmentally, and for improved health.

Miesbeth Knottenbelt, Volunteer, SPOKES Cycle Campaign:
“We came to this new and we are volunteers with busy lives – the fact that we now have a brilliant outcome is almost against expectations and says a lot about Transform Creative’s encouragement and giving us confidence in doing this together, being prompt with suggestions we needed to make this happen, and being flexible, patient and just so nice in dealing with our ways of working.”

We helped summarise their history in the form of a creative timeline on 6 informative boards and thus explored the wider history of cycling in Edinburgh on these large-format, striking posters.