National Trust for Scotland
The National Trust asked us to write and design a booklet and online resource to make the case for Scotland's peatlands and how the Trust is caring for them.

Richard Luxmoore, Senior Nature Conservation Advisor, National Trust for Scotland:
“When the National Trust for Scotland wanted to prepare a booklet on the complex subject of carbon storage in our peatlands and woodlands we realised that we needed to have some very clear graphics to get the message across. We immediately thought of Transform Creative because of their experience in infographics and technical writing. We were not disappointed and we are delighted with the result which conveys the message in an attractive and accessible format.”

Our challenge was that like forests, healthy peat bogs play a vital role in combating climate change. Unlike forests, many people don’t know or even really care about what happens to them. Our copywriters summarised existing research about why peat bogs are important and wrote case studies for a short jargon-less publication.

We created design concepts for an online resource about peat and climate change. The site was executed by the National Trust’s web-design team, working in collaboration with Transform Creative.

We also produced a trifold leaflet to summarise the case for peatland restoration for a broader audience.